Motivation and Scope
Modern industrial systems are expected to perform a range of functions, which are all expected to operate with high levels of performance. To meet these requirements large amounts of data are generated, communicated and processed by a number of different devices. Although some data is processed at the source it is often the case that data needs to be collected via network architecture and processed at another location. Industrial communication and the general concept of distributed networks are developed fields. However, new communication and networking concepts are continuously being developed outside the sphere of industrial systems and it is sometimes not clear where these concepts could be of benefit.
Cloud computing and the Internet-of-Things (IoT- a cloud of devices) are new computing paradigms that govern how systems and devices could connect and handle data in the near future. Cloud computing allows for processing of data to occur on remote infrastructure over the Internet, which potentially allows improved performance, reliability and scalability. IoT is the concept of connecting all devices to the Internet to allow for data collection and smart objects with improved embedded intelligence. There are recent examples of these concepts being deployed in industrial settings, but the potential of these technologies has not been fully explored. Wireless communication offers some advantages, e.g. ad-hoc connectivity, ease of deployment, over wired communication and has found a foothold in industrial applications but the area continues to grow, and there are still issues to address. The TSC has a broad focus on the underlying communication and data architecture in addition to related supporting technology, rather than a specific industrial application or process.

TC main areas will include but are not limited to:

Cloud Computing
  • Industrial ecosystem for cloud computing
  • Public cloud architecture for industrial applications
  • Cloud services architecture (infrastructure, platform or software)
  • Reliability and performance
  • Data security (e.g. transmission, processing, storage)
  • Physical communication layer
  • Emerging standards and protocols (e.g. IEEE 802.15.4, 6LoWPAN)
  • Cognitive radio
  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
Internet-of-Things (IoT)
      Architecture (things-centric, data-centric, service-centric)
      Device connection (embedding technology, addressability)
      Communication and network protocols
      Open architectures/platforms/hardware
      Data management (e.g. semantics, security)
      Cloud-based IoT